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Data Recommendations
Data Recommendations
Data Recommendations
10 min

About the Course

Fullstory's Data recommendations are designed to help you and your customers unlock the power of Fullstory faster than ever. Learn how this feature can boost your customers' data analysis work and unlock valuable insights.

Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Data Recommendations
  2. Data Recommendations
    1. Data Recommendations
  3. Recommendation types
    1. Intro to recommendation types
    2. Recommendation types
    3. Recommendation-powered templates
  4. Getting hands on
    1. Basic navigation
    2. Locating recommended data objects
    3. Role assignment introduction
    4. Role assignment activity
  5. Knowledge check
    1. Data Recommendations: Knowledge check
  6. Key takeways
    1. Key takeaways
    2. Course feedback
Data Recommendations
Data Recommendations
Course Progress
Not started
10 min

About the Course

Fullstory's Data recommendations are designed to help you and your customers unlock the power of Fullstory faster than ever. Learn how this feature can boost your customers' data analysis work and unlock valuable insights.

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Data Recommendations
  2. Data Recommendations
    1. Data Recommendations
  3. Recommendation types
    1. Intro to recommendation types
    2. Recommendation types
    3. Recommendation-powered templates
  4. Getting hands on
    1. Basic navigation
    2. Locating recommended data objects
    3. Role assignment introduction
    4. Role assignment activity
  5. Knowledge check
    1. Data Recommendations: Knowledge check
  6. Key takeways
    1. Key takeaways
    2. Course feedback
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